Our services

Content strategy and brand storytelling

There’s a lot of noise out there, so your home brand’s digital content has to fight even harder for its place at the storytelling table. 

How can you summon that level of creativity every day? How can you plan and manage digital content creation without it feeling like a never-ending task? Who owns thought leadership in your company? And how do you figure out what you want people to hear? 

We’re here to demystify your content marketing strategy. With Beacon, there’s no smoke and mirrors. We’ll help you create a structured content marketing plan, designed to stand out in the digital space and drive awareness, authority, and conversions.  

Our brand storytelling strategy workshops empower your teams to brainstorm topics, refine strategies, clarify brand identity, and develop an actionable plan – to create consistent, compelling, high-value content, and turn ideas into impact.

What's included

  • Brand storytelling strategy workshops

  • Content coaching

  • Content plan creation

  • Organic and paid digital content strategies

  • Social media static image and video creation

  • Social media management

  • Thought leadership campaigns

  • Comprehensive copywriting service for editorial, digital and social

  • Tone of voice development

  • KPI reporting structure